What I learned from Arnie: Keep Busy, Be Useful

If you are ever feeling down, I really recommend watching the Arnold Schwarzenegger 3-part documentary on Netflix.

It is told by the man himself and chronicles his seemingly impossible journey to become a professional bodybuilder, then Hollywood A-lister and then Governor of California.​​

Whether you are a fan or not, the man has an irrefutable track record for setting a vision and strategy and consistently going after it - Terminator-like - to achieve his goals.

But towards the end of the series, Arnold talks about how he deals with feeling down, and it’s this that has stayed with me more than anything.

His method is to: Keep Busy and Be Useful.

He has all these animals like donkeys who he has to muck out every day, so if he’s down, he knows he needs to get up and do the chores and he gets satisfaction from that. And being useful makes him feel valued.

I think this is such good advice especially if you are someone who gets satisfaction from achievement.

If you are down and keep busy, you have a never-ending list of things to achieve and the day flies by. If you are being useful, you are probably helping someone else, giving service or contributing in a positive way. You are adding value and being valued for it.

I know that times are very hard for many, certainly in the creative industries at the moment with many people out of work and little can take away the worry of putting food on the table BUT I’m hoping that this advice from Arnold will be of use.

As always, Be Fearlessly You



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