Tackling the January Gloom
This is for people who find January hard. Post-holiday season let down, tiredness because of said holiday season, or the loneliness for many during holiday seasons, dark days, rain, need I go on?
We say ‘Happy New Year” automatically but it’s not always so happy for everyone!
So what to do if you have the January Gloom, these are some of the things I find useful:
Acknowledge it’s a tough time of year for whatever reason you have. Be it Seasonal Affective Disorder or worries about work, family, or the state of the world. Life is up and down and this may be just one of the downs. It will pass!
Remember, misery loves company. I know I’m using that in the wrong context, but I do think if you are feeling miserable, it helps to get it off your chest to a friend just to help you express it. My mum used to say I’d tell her all my worries, then waltz off absolutely fine, and she’d then be wracked with worry for me. Maybe don’t do that but don’t suffer in silence.
Get busy & Be Useful. This is advice from Arnold Schwarzenegger and I really agree. If I get busy doing something, time flies and the sense of satisfaction and achievement is energising. Plus, being useful to someone makes you feel you are giving value and being valued.
Plan fun stuff. One January, I just made social arrangements for every weekend in January which gave me something to look forward to during the dark days. Often, just researching and planning what to do during the holidays is enough to cheer me up.
I know this year, New Year’s Resolutions seem to be very out of favour and I agree - my stop eating chocolate one fails on January the 1st every year - but what I do think works is thinking, ‘what am I going to try this year’ in terms of new adventures. It could be a new sport - I’m going to try animal flow - it could be joining a choir, it could be developing your knife skills in cooking. Whatever! It’s not a resolution, so you don’t have the pressure and guilt of sticking to it, but you do get the fun of trying new experiences.
Okay, I hope you’ve found those useful. There are bound to be lots more ideas you have, so if you do, please share.
And for those of you who are feeling gloomy this January, remember, above the clouds the sun is always shining. Sunny days will be here again.
Take care of yourselves