5 Ways to Deepen Your Sense of Self

Do you have a strong sense of who you are, how you operate best, what you stand for and what really makes you thrive? If not, I really recommend taking the time to develop it.
I think having a strong sense of self is really the foundation of true confidence and internal validation. If you are someone who relies on external validation and approval of others for your own sense of worth, it can be a precarious way to exist. The stronger the sense of self, the less you rely on external validation.​

Malcolm Gladwell in his book ‘Outliers’ talks about needing 10,000 of study or practice to become truly great or an expert at something. But how many of us have spent a fraction of that time becoming an expert in us?

Self-study is one of the central tenets in yogic philosophy.

It’s called ‘svadhyaya’ and handily, another yogic concept called the Pancha Kosha meaning 5 sheaths or layers help guide us in that self-study and shed light on who and what we really are.

​The concept of the Pancha Kosha is this: we have 5 layers from outside to in that make up who we are. We have our physical layer - that’s our body, flesh and bones; our energetic layer - what we are energised and drained by, our daily mind layer - that’s our emotions, feelings, likes, dislikes, our inner wisdom layer - this would be our values, purpose, what we know inherently and finally, the bliss layer - the centre of our being.

Thinking about yourself in this way and examining each layer can help you deepen your sense of self from the outside in. It’s sort of like having a map to help you explore your own being.

Okay so if you’re still with me and I hope you are, try this exploration of your Pancha Kosha:

1 - Physical layer. How well do you know your own physical being and what makes it thrive rather than just survive? For me, this is about knowing what food makes me feel best, what kind of exercise and movement I need to do to feel fit, and how much sleep and rest I need. How about you?

2 - Energetic layer. What energises you? What drains you? What instantly inflates or deflates you? What are your top three sources of positive energy and how often are they in your life? If certain people drain you, can you put an explanation as to why? Certain books or movies may uplift you? Can you name why?

3 - Mind layer. I think this is about your thoughts and daily inner narrative. What is the story you tell yourself? What are your opinions, your perceptions, your worldview? What does your inner critic say? Is it all true?

4 - Inner Wisdom layer. Somewhere deep inside, we have this wisdom and knowledge about values, what we feel is right and wrong, what we find purposeful and meaningful. It’s not all handed down to us, some of this is uniquely our own. So what are yours? What does your inner wisdom tell you? What’s important to you? What are you called to do?

5- Bliss layer. Finally we have this kosha that is the centre of our being. It’s not really a layer, it’s more the final destination, a level of consciousness said to wrap our soul or atman. Inner bliss - the union of body, mind and spirit. You can see why you probably need to study the other 4 Koshas to get here. If you already know what bliss is for you then fantastic. If you don’t, then ask that question: what is bliss for me?

Okay, I hope you enjoy your exploration of the 5 layers of you.

I think it’s a brilliant way to deepen that understanding of who you are and get a stronger sense of self.

Let me know if it helps you.



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