Change Can Be Positively Scary

Most people are scared of change, frightened by the unknown and the feeling of not being in control of what’s going to happen. But I think there’s a way to find it positively scary.

This weekend, my husband and I dropped our eldest child off at university. We were happy AND sad. Happy that she got to go to the university she’s dreamed of, sad that we weren’t going to have our baby home with us and see her every day.

I said to her before she went, ‘it’s not too late to change your mind, you can stay home with me!’ Of course, she never entertained that for a second. And neither did I.

And she was nervous, going off, meeting new friends, living in a new city, being independent. But staying at home with her parents forever after would be a far scarier proposition!

So change often is scary but standing still, in the long run, can be even scarier in terms of what you don’t end up doing, what you miss out on and experience.

So it’s worth it to feel the fear and do it anyway. It’s worth it to know that you’ll be uncomfortable for a bit in an unknown territory but, in time, it will become comfortable and familiar. It’s worth it to grow, develop and learn in life.

So the next time you are feeling scared of change, ask yourself these three things:

  • What’s the positive in this scariness? What’s on the other side?

  • What do I know I will have to go through before the scariness subsides?

  • What’s the alternative if I don’t embrace it?

Okay, I hope that helps. Let me know your thoughts.

​See you next week, as always, Be Fearlessly You!



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