Top Tips on How To Position Yourself For Your Next Job or Promotion
Do you just plonk your CV up on LinkedIn or talent databases and hope to be found. Or do you believe that if you work hard, put your head down and do a good job, you’ll be noticed and promoted.
Well, I want to challenge that belief!
I think earlier in your career that approach can work. But as you go up the ladder or the pyramid where there is stiffer competition for fewer jobs, I don’t believe you can rely on that approach.
And this is where positioning comes in.
If you think about racing cars - you hear the phrase ‘pole position’ - when drivers manoeuvre their cars into the best position to win the race.
Well, there’s a way to do this in your career. Put yourself in the best place to get the next job, or the role you really want or the promotion you crave.
So, how to do this? This is what I think.
Put it out there. Make sure people actually KNOW you want the job, the step up, the promotion. Don’t be shy. Remember the saying ‘faint heart never won fair lady?’ I think it’s relevant here. Don’t assume it’s obvious that you want to advance or change roles. Make clear your ambitions and aspirations. And repeat multiple times until the message has landed.
Cultivate the right contacts. Who are the people likely to have the roles you want? Which are the companies? If you are not already known to them then make sure you connect and introduce yourself and your intentions. More than that, cultivate a relationship and keep it warm. Sometimes it takes months or years before the right opening comes up and when it does, you want to be front of mind. Don’t just say hello and expect them to remember you 6 months later. Keep in touch every three months and tell them you are still interested, and passionate. Employers want enthusiastic people - wouldn’t you?
Perfect your profile for the role you want, not the role you have. So many people use their profile to explain the role they are in and what they do in that role. Instead, I recommend you use your profile as a sales page for the role you want. Your profile is really an advert for you and what you can do, what your promise is, and what you are selling. So when you think about the role you want, or the promotion you are after, make sure it speaks to that rather than labouring too much on where you are now. Think like the person who will be hiring you - what will they be after, what will they search for in a candidate, whatever it is, make sure it’s in your profile.
Present your proof points. A proof point is an example of how you’ve done what will be needed in a role. Many jobs will require multiple proof points be it proof of leadership effectiveness, the ability to design and close complex deals, a track record of delivering growth or motivating a team and so on. Work out what are the particular proof points you need to demonstrate you’d be a brilliant person for that next role. Then look at your experience and achievements and choose which would be best as those proof points and make sure they are both visible on your profile AND in the way you talk about yourself - online and in person.
Finally, and this is super important: Get visible. Being noticed, being thought of, being short-listed - it doesn’t all just happen naturally. I think you have to work hard on your visibility if you want to position yourself for the next job. Dedicate time to work on your own sales & marketing campaign. It’s super easy on something like LinkedIn - the whole platform is designed for networking, sharing ideas, posting articles and photos and telling people about your wins and celebrations. So use these platforms to get visible professionally. Post about what you are proud of, and how you and the team have taken something from A to B. Celebrate others’ achievements and support work that you find meaningful. Share your expertise and ‘how to’s like I do - it all builds up your credibility. The more visible you are, the more likely you are to be seen and the more you are seen the more likely you are to be front of mind for that next job or the role you want.
So get intentional about your positioning. Think about what you want and make sure you are taking the steps to get there.
If you need help on that journey, hit reply and ask me a question.
Or book in for a Discovery Call about 121 Coaching.
Let’s do this, people!
Be Fearlessly You!