Life Begins at 50

'The F*** It 50s' - are you in yours? I think I am. "For decades, Will Smith worked tirelessly to make himself the biggest movie star on the planet. Then he hit his ‘f***-it 50s’ and everything changed... he's ready to speak his truth." Love this from GQ Magazine.

I think 50 is an age when you have decades of professional and life experience, hard acquired skills and a whole lot of achievements that you've probably thrown them over your shoulder without a second glance (but they are there). It can also be a time when you care less what people think about you - very liberating and are more confident to speak your truth.

The question is - what are you going to do with all that?

For me, it was to focus all of those skills, talents and achievements into something that gave me purpose: empowering talented people with the self-belief and techniques to be fearless about you they are, what they want and how to get it. I changed career ENTIRELY and have never felt more alive.

What are you doing in your 'F*** It 50s'? Inspire us please! And if you haven't quite figured it out and need a strategic sounding partner and coach - contact me! I LOVE IT!

Please join me at, my virtual academy devoted to building career confidence and fearless leadership skills. I've got a free mini-course on Facing Imposter Syndrome you can download for free.


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