#SeenAndHeard: What keeps women from being fearless leaders?

Are you a woman who fears being called bossy or pushy? If so, I think it's time to change the narrative. 'Bossy' means to act like a boss. So what's wrong with that. 'Pushy' reframed means passionate, determined, enthusiastic and driven. Who wouldn't want to be that? Time to shake off the social conditioning about how women are expected to behave and just use our talents to best effect. Am I right?

Thank you to Equality Check for interviewing me for their #SeenAndHeard campaign about my work to change the narrative and stop talented women holding themselves back.

Be fearlessly YOU!

Here’s the article, enjoy!


Please join me at fasttracktofearless.com, my virtual academy devoted to building career confidence and fearless leadership skills. I've got a free mini-course on Facing Imposter Syndrome you can download for free.


7 Steps to Becoming Fearlessly YOU


Fell the Fear of Saying something Stupid but Speaking up anyway 📢