Can’t Go Over, Can’t Go Under? Gotta go through

This week I was in Cardiff teaching a one-day workshop on Public Speaking & Presentation. Public Speaking tends to be one of those things that terrifies most people - mentally AND physically.

So how do you get over that fear? Of course, there are lots of tools and techniques that help but at the end of the day, you have to get up and speak, all eyes on you!

When I was putting together my presentation for the workshop, a children’s book came to mind. It’s a contemporary classic and it’s called, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.

In it, a family of 5 go in search of a bear. The story tells of their reaction as they travel through a number of obstacles: long wavy grass, a deep, cold river, thick oozy mud, a big dark forest and a swirling whirling snowstorm before coming face to face with a bear in a narrow gloomy cave.

At each obstacle, they realise, they can’t go over it, they can’t go under it, there’s no other way than to go through it. Swishy, swishing, squelchy, squelchy and so on.

And it made me think that so much of life is like that. Particularly when it comes to facing fears and learning new skills.

As an adult or leader these days, public speaking is something you just have to do. And you can’t go over it or under it, the only way is to go through it.

Like any skill - swimming, ice-skating, public speaking, the only way to get better at it, is to go through the learning process. You can’t swim unless you get into the water, you can’t do pirouettes without taking first steps on the ice and, in terms of public speaking, you have to get up and speak. The more you do it, the more you learn, the more skills you master and the better you become.

Yes, it might be swishy swashy, squelchy, and so on and you will certainly be out of your comfort zone. And what do they say about about being out of your comfort zone? Yup, it means you are in your GROWTH zone.

So pause a moment and look back - how many obstacles, how much thick oozy mud or deep rivers have you faced and tackled to date? I bet there are many you’ve probably forgotten about or taken for granted.

Next time you face an obstacle, try saying, “we can’t go over it, we can’t go under it, we are just going to have to go through it!’

With thanks to Michael Rosen, author of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ for the inspiration!

Hope that helps!

Let me know your thoughts.



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